Does what it promises, with visual effects specific to the systems it emulates (Genesis, SNES, NES, etc.). No lame watermarks, and a cool UI with nice sound effects, make this app a winner.
Does what it promises, with visual effects specific to the systems it emulates (Genesis, SNES, NES, etc.). No lame watermarks, and a cool UI with nice sound effects, make this app a winner.
Doesnt do much. Not worth $2
And in app purchases
Instragram for dedicated VG nerds. A selection for various resolutions would be nice!
A surprisingly fun app with intuitive control and nostalgic charm. You have tugged at my 1989 heart strings. Well played sir, well played.
Doesnt save your photos in the app it in the camera roll
If youre from the good ol 8-bit generation (or earlier; I did very much enjoy my Atari games I played on my super cool Gemini system), then youll likely get some genuine smiles from taking selfies and other miscellaneous pictures with this app. Supports both front and rear cameras. Note: I almost immediately managed to unlock one of the hidden systems... The "Fammy" (as its named on this app). Not gonna just give the instructions up but, if youre an old gamer as I am, it shouldnt be too difficult to figure it out. Hint: "Contra(ry)" to popular belief. ;-)
Well designed, and good attention to detail. Love the sound effects.
This is a fun photo app. The interface design is simple, sleek, and easy to figure out. The sound effects are a nice touch as is the ability to not only apply filters to photos you are snapping, but also apply the filters to photos in your library. Overall a really enjoyable app. Sheng Long approved.
Cool idea for a photo app and very well done!
8-bits! 16-bits! Where do I put all the bits?
Works especially well with high contrast images and logos
Would be nice if it saved "settings".
i want more filters!
Love the ability to save photos like my favorite consoles of yore! I wish it would remember my contrast and saturation settings between each relaunch. I love that I can apply it to photos I have already taken. The easter eggs are fun too, nice touch.
But if you didnt get it on got ripped off.
Id like to see some samples of the additional filters before buying though.
Cant wait to get the secret systems!
What a throw back!!! So cool!!!
This is a really fun photo app that produces some very cool pics! Even if you dont remember these old school systems, youll have a blast playing around with it.